say: "skirts give me such a feeling of freedom, that's why I love to wear them". That's why my article in the lesbian magazine was entitled I HATE MEN (for being so stupid and allowing themselves to be kept within the bondage of that synthetic Masculine pattern). I finished by saying that the TV is the only one who is actually rebelling against the artificial definition of masculinity.
I was extremely pleased later on when I received several congratulatory messages from the readers of THE LADDER. Some of them just hadn't thought about there being unfairness for men in our present society. This led to my meeting several lesbians and sincere friendships have developed. I learned for instance that what most people think of when a lesbian couple is mentioned turns out to be false in a good percentage of the cases. The idea that the masculine lesbian goes around in masculine type attire, short hair and no make-up simply isn't true. There are lesbian couples where not a shred of what is usually called "masculinity" exists. Here are two people extremely devoted to each other and worshipping the feminine. They are mutually attracted to each other's femininity.
In this respect I found that it is extremely easy for a TV to be in a lesbian group. They like the fact that we are also rejecting at that moment all traces of mas- culinity and eagerly bringing out as much femininity as our personality can muster. "See", one of them said to me "now you understand how disgusting masculinity is for me. When you dress up you are disgusted with those muscles and heavy features, so am I, I adore smooth limbs, soft features, long hair, sweet perfume, jewelry, etc.... And then I saw an unexpected similarity be- tween the lesbian and the TV outlook. They have turned their backs on the world of trousers, neckties, beards, heavy voices and biceps - so have we. They are intensely drawn towards the feminine and so are we. At the beginning, when the symptoms first appear, they are afraid and confused, so are we. When they find out what they are, most of them fight it at first, so do we. They are then consumed by feelings of guilt, So are we. They long to meet others like themselves but they are afraid of exposure and blackmail, so are we. Many think that marriage could be a cure for their condition, We also